la femme
eileen; sparklez; 20+; libran; asian; singaporean; insomniac; indecisive; emotional; procrastinator; LAZY; day-dreamer; imaginative; chocoholic; bookaholic; always hungry......


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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Up up and away!


always me ♥ 11:56 PM | 0 comments

Friday, April 16, 2010

My travel shopping list

List of things to buy @ HK:
  1. Earrings... I'm a earrings addict
  2. Clothes....Office, Casual, whatever!
  3. Pretty shawls / scarves / etc
  4. Iphone covers....though I don't own a Iphone YET
  5. Shoes
  6. Ettusais makeup
  7. Masks

Hmmm....what else leh???

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always me ♥ 10:52 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Countdown officially starts today!


always me ♥ 9:49 PM | 0 comments

Monday, April 12, 2010

A day lost

On my off day today, I've originally intended to:
  1. Pack my clothes
  2. Iron my clothes
  3. Pack / organize my stuffs, bags, etc
  4. Go to Maybank to enquire about study loan
  5. Sort out my DBS Internet Banking
  6. Start digging my toiletries / cosmetics bags and what's not to prepare for my upcoming HK trip
  7. Sort my mail

And I ended up nua-ing the whole day, none of the above is accomplished!!!

And it's a freaking hot weather and I can't sleep comfortably without sweating!!! I feel I'm in a toaster, really. Why doesn't it rain on my off day!!?!?

Great, I just wasted one off day.

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always me ♥ 7:37 PM | 0 comments

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Craving again!


always me ♥ 8:58 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, April 08, 2010


Sometimes I can't understand why people can finish their work way before 5 while I'm slogging away like hell everyday. This week, amidst my never ending daily work, I've approved like 13 corporate accounts and still counting and yet the mountain of accounts is still not seeing any signs of decrease. The in-tray is breaking, seriously.

Another thing I can't understand is that how people can eat, talk, sms, read newspapers a la leisure mode while waiting for me to approve their work when all along they can do so for each other in their supposedly "leisure time". Fine if they insist to wait, but I simply can't stand it when the minute it comes to their turn, they start to rush me like I'm the one who's slow and delaying their work! WTF! I don't remember myself like that when I was a CSO. Initiative must have died somewhere....

And though I have 2 ears and a pair of hands, I can only handle information with one freaking brain. Call me incompetent, but I cannot process information with one on each side asking different questions while approving a totally separate case.

Sigh! Don't know why I'm working so hard for. Feeling super jaded and hence the blast out.

To keep myself going, I shall not forget the following:

Next time you are stressed, take a step back, inhale and laugh.
Remember who you are and why you are here.
You are never given anything in the world that you cannot handle.
Be strong, be flexible. Love yourself and love others.
Always remember, just keep moving forward.

And so I shall.

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always me ♥ 9:09 PM | 0 comments